Artist:  Rex Beaton

Artist:  Judy Eldredge

Artist: Pauline Caffrey

Artist: John Richard Perry




When Klein Associates, Inc. first introduced commercial side scan sonar in the mid-1960's, we made every attempt to spread the word. We went on expeditions, exhibited at trade shows, published articles, gave lectures and even gave talks to local organizations such as Lions Clubs, Rotary Clubs, Masons, etc. We found that people did not really grasp the concept of the sonar. The unusual technology and geometry was confusing, with the towfish, cable, shipboard recorder and accessories such as depressors and winches. So periodically we would hire artists to make color “artist concepts” to present the whole setup on a single page. These drawings were large color paintings that we could then reproduce to use as covers for our brochures and instruction manuals.  The last of these was an oil painting by John Richard Perry of Amesbury, Mass that we titled Making the Ocean Transparent®.” This became a Klein trademark. John was the great grandson of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, famed for the quote “We have met the enemy and they are ours”' in the Battle of Lake Erie in the War of 1812. Some of our paintings were used for book covers.