There are hundreds of publications related to Side Scan Sonar. Most of these are in trade and scientific journals. A small sampling of these publications is presented here.

Anderson, V.C., C.D. Lowenstein; "Improvements in Side-Looking Sonar for Deep Vehicles";  Marine Physical Laboratory Report  MPL-U-5/68.

Ashley, G.M.; "Channel Morphology and Sediment Movement in a Tidal River, Pitt River, British Columbia"; Earth Surface Processes, vol 5, pages 347-368; 1980.

Barrie, J.V., C.F.M. Lewis, G.B. Fader, L.H. King; "Seabed Processes on the Northeastern Grand Banks of Newfoundland; Modern Reworking of Relict Sediments"

Marine Geology, vol 57, pages 209-227; 1984.

Bass, G.F.; "New Tools for Undersea Archeology"; National Geographic, vol 134, no 3; September 1968

Belderson, R.H., N.H. Kenyon, A.H. Stride, A.R. Stubbs; Sonographs of the Sea Floor; Elsevier Publishing Company; 1972.

Brooks, L.D.; "Ice Scour on Northern Continental Shelf of Alaska"; The Coast  and Shelf of the Beaufort Sea; Reed and Slater, eds.; Arctic Institute of North America, Arlington, Virginia; 1974.

Bryant, R.S.; "Side Scan Sonar for Hydrography"; The International Hydrographic Review, vol 52;1975.

Carter, L.; "Side-Scan Sonar Survey of the Shipping Channel, Otago Harbour";  New Zealand Oceanograhic Institute Field Report, no 18; November 1982.

Carter, L., R.A. Pickrill, J. Irwin; "Seabed Investigations, Port Taranaki"; New Zealand Oceanograhic Institute Field Report, no 16; January 1981.

Cassat, CDR G., LT N. Hansen; "Subic Bay Salvors Use New MK12 Mixed Gas Rig"; Faceplate, vol 14, no 1; Spring 1983.

Clay, C.S., J. Ess, I. Weisman; "Lateral Echo Sounding of the Ocean Bottom on the Continental Rise"; Journal of Geophysical Research, vol 69, no 18; September 15, 1964.

Cole, F.W.; A Familiarization with Lateral or Side Scanning Sonars, Technical Report Number 159; Hudson Laboraties, Dobbs Ferry, New York; July 1968.

Coleman, J.M., H.H. Roberts, S.P. Murray, M. Salama; "Morphology and Dynamic Sedimentology of the Eastern Nile Delta Shelf"; Marine Geology; July 1981.

Creed, R.A.; "The Planning and Techniques Required for Precise Positioning during Reel Ship Operations"; Papers of the 2nd International Hydrographic  Technical Conference; September 1984.

Edgerton, H.E.; "Exploring the Sea with Sonar"; Discovery; September 1966.

Evans, LCDR J.; "Divers Plunge 259 Feet to Recover Downed Helicopter"; Faceplate, vol 14, no 3; Fall 1983.

Field, M.E., C.H. Nelson, D.A. Cacchione, D.E. Drake; "Sound Waves on an Epicontinental Shelf: Northern Bering Sea"; Marine Geology; July 1981.

Fish, J.P., M. Klein; "The Use of Reconnaissance Hydrographic Surveys for Establishment of Essential Navigation Bathymetric Data in the Third World Countries"; Papers of the 2nd International Hydrographic Technical Conference; September 1984.

Fish, J.P.; "State-of-the-Art Sonar Images"; Skin Diver; January 1983.

Fish, J.P.; "Dive Site Inspection Utilizing Side Scan Sonar"; Proceedings of  the Seventh Meeting of the United States Japan Cooperative Program in Natural  Resources, panel on Diving Physiology and Technology; Japan Marine Science and Technology Center; November, 1983.

Flemming, B.W.; "Side Scan Sonar: A Practical Guide"; The International  Hydrographic Review, vol 53, no 1; January 1976.

Flemming, B.W.; "Factors Controlling Shelf Sediment Dispersal Along The Southeast African Continental Margin"; Marine Geology; July 1981.

Flemming, B.W., M. Klein, P.N. Denbigh; Recent Developments in Side Scan Sonar  Techniques, Russell-Cargill, W.G.A., ed.; Central Acoustics Laboratory, University of Cape Town, South Africa; 1982.

Flemming, B.W.; "A Historical Introduction to Underwater Acoustics with Special Reference to Echo Sounding, Sub-Bottom Profiling and Side Scan Sonar"; National Research Institute for Oceanology, Department of Geology, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa.

Flemming, B.W.; "Causes and Effects of Sonograph Distortion and Some Graphical Methods for Their Manual Correction"; National Research Institute for Oceanology, Department of Geology, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa.

Flemming, B.W.; "Some Implications of Velocity Variations and Transmission Losses of Underwater Sound on Image Accuracy and Range Efficiency of Side Scan Sonar Systems"; National Research Institute for Oceanology, Department of Geology, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa.

Flemming, B.W.; "Giant Comet Marks"; Geo-Marine Letters, vol 4, no 2; 1984

Folger, D. W., J. M. Robb, J. C. Hampson, P. A. Davis, P. M. Bridges, and D. J. Roddy; "Sidescan-Sonar Survey of OAK and KOA Craters", U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin, l678, (Sea Floor Observations and Subbottom Seismic Characteristics of OAK and KOA Craters, Eniwetak Atoll, Marshall Islands),

Chapter B, l986.

Franzen, A.; HMS KRONAN: The Search for a Great 17TH Century Swedish Warship; Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm; 1981.

Freeland, G.L., D.J. Stanley, D.J.P. Swift, D.N. Lambert; "The Hudson Shelf Valley: Its Role in Shelf Sediment Transport"; Marine Geology; July 1981.

Gauss, G.A., J. Eade, K. Lewis; "Geophysical and Sea Bed Sampling Surveys for Constructional Sand in Nuku'alofa Lagoon, Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga"; South  Pacific Marine Geological Notes, vol 2, no 10; February 1983.

Gegesky, P.S. (Undersea Research Associates); "The ROCKET:  Ghost Schooner from

the Deep"; Diving Times, vol 7, no 2; April/May 1984.

Gilbert, G.R., J.V. Barrie; "Provenance and Sedimentary Processes of Ice- Scoured Surficial Sediments, Labrador Shelf"; Canadian Journal of Earth  Sciences, vol 22, no 7, pages 1066-1079; 1985.

Good, R.R., K.G. Anderson, H.H. Lanziner; "Ice/Berm Interaction Study Using Rotary Side Scan Sonar and Acoustic Profiling Systems"; Preprints of the 16th  Annual Offshore Technology Conference; Houston, Texas; May 7-9, 1984.

Hill, J.O., L.J. Broussard; "What and How Collapsed Depressions Break Pipelines"; Pipeline Digest; September 20, 1982.

HYDROMAR Incorporated; "Development of a Methodology for Inspection of Submerged Portions of Harbor Structures with the Aid of Side Scan Sonar"; Final Report for the Canadian Public Works Scientific Authority; October 1982.

Kenny, M.R., J.D. Mix; "Side Scan Sonar Target Detection in the Presence of Bottom Backscatter"; Master's Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California 93943; September 1983.

Kelland, N.C., J.C. Hopkins; "Mosaics from High Resolution Side Scan Sonar"; Offshore_Services; October 1972.

Kessler, R.M.; "(USS) RECOVERY Completes F-16B Salvops"; Faceplate; April 1981.

Key, W.H.; "Alternate Uses of Hydrographic Data Taken with Side Scan Sonar"; Proceedings of National Ocean Service Hydrographic Conference; Hydrographic Society, Rockville, Maryland, USA; 1984.

Key, W.H.; "How Commercial Side Scan Sonar Can Help Locate Mines"; Offshore  Patrol, vol 1 no 6; September 1984.

Key, W.H.; "MCM Operations with Commercial Side Scan Sonars"; Proceedings of  Royal Institute of Naval Architects Symposium; London, England; July 1984.

Klein, M., H.E. Edgerton; "Sonar - A Modern Technique for Ocean Exploitation"; IEEE Spectrum; June 1968.

Klein, M., C. Finklestein; "Sonar Serendipity in Loch Ness"; Technology  Review; December 1976.

Klein, M., B.D. Van Koevering, F.C. Michelsen; "A New Depressor and Recovery Method for Undersea Towed Vehicles"; Preprints of the 8th Annual Conference of  the Marine Technology Society, Washington D.C.; September 11-13, 1972.

Klein, M., J. Jolly; "The Use of Side Scan Sonar to Identify Sea Floor Characteristics"; Proceedings of the International Symposium on the  Engineering Properties of the Sea-Floor Soils and Their Geophysical_ Identification; Seattle, Washington; July 25, 1971.

Klein, M., J.C. Wynne-Edwards; "Side Scan Survey for Coastal Surveying"; 6th Conference of South African Surveyors; February 1978.

Klein, M.; " Sonar Search at Loch Ness"; Preprints of the 7th Annual Conference of the Marine Technology Society; Washington D.C.; August 16-18, 1971.

Klein, M.; "New Capabilities for Side Scan Sonar"; Proceedings of the 11th  Conference on Underwater Archaeology; Fathom Eight; 1982.

Klein, M.; "Developments in Remote Sensing for Underwater Archaeology"; Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Underwater Archaeology; Fathom Eight; 1981.

Klein, M.; "High-Resolution Seabed Mapping:  New Developments"; Preprints of  the 16th Annual Offshore Technology Conference; Houston, Texas; May 7-9, 1984.

Klein, M.; "Sonar Scores in Loch Ness"; Sea Technology; January 1977.

Klein, M.; "Side Scan Sonar"; Offshore Services; April 1977.

Klein, M.; "Side Scan Sonar"; Undersea Technology; April 1967.

Klepsvik, J.O., B.A. Fossum; "Studies of Icebergs, Ice Fronts and Ice Walls Using Side-Scanning Sonar"; Annals of Glaciology, vol 1; 1980.

Kozak, G.; "Side Scanning Sonar: A Tool for the Diving Industry"; Tenth Annual International Diving Symposium, New Orleans; Feb 1980.

Krotser, D.J., M. Klein; "Side Scan Sonar: Selective Textural Enhancement"; Oceans '76: MTS-IEE Conference; September 1976.

LaCoursiere, E.J.; "Tow Vehicles for Deep Water"; Sea Technology; April 1985.

Leenhardt, O.; "Side Scanning Sonar, A Theoretical Study"; The International  Hydrographic Review, vol 51; 1974.

Lewis, K.B.; "A Storm-Dominated Inner Shelf, Western Cook Strait, New Zealand"; Marine Geology, vol 31; 1979.

Lewis, K.B.; "Side-Scan Survey of Taharoa Ironsand Terminal"; New Zealand  Oceanograhic Institute Records, vol 4, no 9; April 1982.

Mazel, C.H.; "Considerations in the Display of Scale-Corrected Side Scan Sonar Data"; Methods of Display of Ocean Survey Data;  Linton, ed.; Natural Environment Research Council and the International Cartographic Association; 1983.

Mazel, C.H.; "Inspection of Surfaces by Side Scan Sonar"; Preprints of the ROV  '84 Remotely Operated Vehicle Conference of the Marine Technology Society; San Diego, California; May 14-17, 1984.

Mazel, C.H.; "Sonar for Underwater Exploration"; The Explorers Journal, vol 64 no 1; March 1986.

Mettam, J.D., W.R.V. Butcher; "Surveys for Port Planning"; Papers of the 2nd  International Hydrographic Technical Conference; September 1984.

Milliman, J.D., J. Chen, Z. Yang, M. Ren; "The Yangtze River: Past, Present and Future"; Oceanus, vol 26, no 4; Woods Hole, MA; Winter 1983/84.

Mittleman, J.R., R.J. Malloy; "Stereo Side Scan Imagery"; Preprints of the 7th  Annual Conference of the Marine Technology Society; Washington D.C.; Aug 1971.

Morang, A., W.M. Kucharski; "Side-Scan Sonar Investigation of Breakwaters at Calumet and Burns Harbors in Southern Lake Michigan"; OCEANS '86 Conference Record 86CH2363-0; United States Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi; September 1986.

Murphy, L., ed.; Submerged Cultural Resources Survey: Portions of Point Reyes  National Seashore and_Point Reyes Farallon Islands National Marine Sancuary; Submerged Cultural Resources Unit, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Santa Fe, New Mexico; 1984.

Nelson, D.A.; "HAMILTON & SCOURGE, Ghost Ships of the War of 1812"; National  Geographic, vol 163, no 3; March 1983.

Nelson, C.H., K.R. Johnson, H. Mitchell; "Assessment of Gray Whale Feeding Grounds and Sea Floor Interaction in the Northeastern Bering Sea"; United States Geological Survey, Open-File Report 83-727; 1983.

Nelson, C.H., K.R. Johnson; "Gray Whales, Tillers of the Sea Floor"; Highlights in Marine Research; United States Geological Survey, Circular 938; 1984.

Nerini, M.K., J.S. Oliver; "Gray Whales and the Structure of the Bering Sea Benthos"; Oecologia, 59:224-225; Berlin; 1983.

Oliver, J.S., R.G. Kvitek; "Side Scan Sonar Records and Diver Observations of Gray Whale Feeding Grounds"; Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, California; 1984.

Patterson, D.R., A.T. Shak, M.T. Czerniak; "Inspection of Submerged Arctic Structures by Side Scan Sonar"; Preprints of the 14th Annual Offshore  Technology Conference; Houston, Texas; May 3-6,1982.

Patterson, D.R., J. Pope; "Coastal Applications of Side Scan Sonar"; Coastal Structures '83 Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, Washington, D.C.; March 8-11, 1983.

Peterson, LT D.H.; "Side Scan Sonar- An Alternative to Wire Drag for Item Investigation"; Proceedings of Canadian Hydrographic Service Centennial  Conference; Government of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; 1983.

Pope, J.; "Side Scan Sonar Survey of Bailey's Dam, Red River, Alexandria, Louisiana"; Miscellaneous Paper CERC-85-9; United States Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi; September 1985.

Prior, D.B., W.J. Wiseman, W.R. Bryant; "Submarine Chutes on the Slopes of Fjord Deltas"; Nature, vol 290; March 26, 1981.

Prior, D.B., W.J. Wiseman, R. Gilbert; "Submarine Slope Process on Fan Delta, Howe Sound, British Columbia"; Geo-Marine Letters, vol 1; 1981.

Russell-Cargill, W.G.A.; "Developments in Seabed Mapping Systems"; Proceedings  of Symposium on Hydrographic Survey in South Africa; Department of Surveying, University of Cape Town, South Africa; September 28, 1981.

Sargent, G.E.G.; "Application of Acoustics and Ultrasonics to Marine Geology"; Ultrasonics; January 1968.

Sargent, G.E.G.; "Profiling and Sonar Techniques for Underwater Pipeline Surveying"; Hydrospace; December 1968.

Sclater, N.; "Sonar Looks Askance at Sea Botton"; Electronics Design; Sept 1966.

Shuttleworth, P.S., K.P. Games; "The Object-Arc Method for use in Side-Scan Sonar Interpretation"; The Hydrographic Journal, no 32; April 1984.

Shuttleworth, P.S., K.P. Games; "Further Applications and Examples of the Object Arc Method"; The Hydrographic Journal, no 33; July 1984.

Skupien, L.; "Sonar Searches Aid Shrimpers"; Sea Grant Today, vol 13 no 2; 1983.

Stringer, J.G.; "Shipwreck Hunters' Bonanza"; Skin Diver; October 1983.

Thorpe, S.A., A.J. Hall; "The Characteristics of Breaking Waves, Bubble Clouds and Near-Surface Currents Observed Using Side-Scan Sonar"; Continental Shelf  Research, vol 1 no 4 pp 353-384; Pergamon Press, Great Britain; 1983.

Trotter, D.; "Uncovering the Secrets of Lake Huron"; Diving Times; Dec 1983.

Tucker, M.J.; "Sideways Looking Sonar for Marine Geology"; Geo- Marine  Technology; October 1966.

Urick, R.J.; Principles of Underwater Sound, 2nd ed; McGraw-Hill, NY, NY; 1975.

van Andel, T.H., N. Lianos; "Prehistoric and Historic Shorelines of the Southern Argolid Peninsula:  A Subbottom Profiler Study"; The International  Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration, vol 12, no 4; November 1983.

Walsh, G.M., G.J. Moss; "A New Approach to Preliminary Site Surveillance"; Navigation, vol 17, no 2; 1970.

Walsh, J.B., J.W. Greene; Engineering Analysis of Ten Side Scan Sonar Targets  Between the Norfolk Harbor Channel and Thimble Shoal Channel, Hampton Roads, Virginia; Waterway Surveys & Engineering, Ltd., Virginia Beach, VA; Dec 1984.

Woodworth-Lynas, C.M.T.; "The Relative Age of Ice Scours Using Cross-Cutting Relationships"; Technical Report, C-CORE Publication Number 83-3; Centre for Cold Ocean Resources Engineering, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada; March 1983.

Yules, J.A., H.E. Edgerton; "Bottom Sonar Search Techniques"; Undersea  Technology; November 1964.

"How Decca Located 'Almost Certain' Remains of the Historic Bonhomme Richard"; Ocean Industry; November 1976.

"Ice Age Plough Marks a Hazard to Pipelines in Northern Seas"; Offshore  Engineer; May 1982.

"'Magic' Results from Side Scanning Sonar"; Oil & Gas Australia; November 1983.

PHYSIOGRAPHIE_ACOUSTIQUE: Le Sonar Lateral et Ses Applications; SCOP Oceanographie; Saint-Laurent-Du-Var, France.